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SmartControl™ Meter

ICAR milk Meter

The SmartControl meter measures and collects individual cow milk production and delivers it you herd management software.

  • ICAR approved
  • Designed to fit all types and styles of parlors


Heavy duty Champion Detacher

TouchPoint is the SmartDairy in parlor display and keypad for controlling milking and management procedures at each stall point.

  • Built to last in the harsh dairy environment
  • Dual display makes it easy to track milking status and information
  • 4 function keys, offer easy, time saving shortcuts for daily operations such as wash mode and changing cow numbers
  • Adapted for all stall systems
  • Can be paired with FloSmart and SmartControl meters
  • Optional large in parlor touch screen to provide further, in-depth herd management functions


detach Smart and Improve performance

The SmartLite is designed with you in mind you can have it set up as a standalone system or as a network. The choice is yours!

  • Clear milking status information
  • Bright, multi-colored LED button gives you instant overview of the milking status at each stall
  • Once control unit for every 4 milking points makes it highly economical
  • Highly accurate with its wide measuring range
  • Single-button operation for functions such as start/stop and manual/automatic
  • Extremely compatible
  • Easy to install and assemble

AMI 5550™

Unlock your Potential

The 5550 Milk Yield Indicator is the crossroad where great ergonomics meets ultimate efficiency.

  • Intuitive control with an ergonomic keypad with reliable buttons
  • High Contrast display
  • Programmable timer to help insure important prep procedures are being maintained
  • Identification ready
  • LED alarm
  • Integrated to fit new parlors or as a retrofit

RealTime Activity

Cow activity & Health monitoring system

Much more than activity. BouMatic RealTime Health Monitoring Solution allows you to know your cows’ activity, feeding, ruminating, walking and laying down behaviors.

A health snapshot of your cows on time, anytime.

  •  Identifies cows requiring attention for servicing or potential preventative health treatment
  • Will read any tag within 700ft for use in barn installations
  • Will read any tag within 1500ft for out of barn installations
  • Tracks eating time to gain additional health information
  • IDS anywhere with no need to walk through a parlor ID portal
  • You can access reports on your smartphone and PC anytime anywhere.

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Our automation products are produced by the world's leading manufacturers